October 15th - 16th, 2024
Experience Ministry Specific Breakouts that range from leadership, church growth, creative arts, student ministry, and more as we learn how to do ministry together!
Every week as Pastors and Ministry Leaders, we pour our hearts into the people of our city and our church. We want to give you a chance to slow down and allow the Lord to fill you up personally and relationally.
Relationships are the breath of fresh air we all need! Meet other Ministry Leaders and never have to do ministry alone again!
Hosted by Pastors Matt & Sarah Keller
Guest Speakers
Pastors Todd and Julie Mullins are the Senior Pastors of Christ Fellowship Church, a multi-site congregation in South Florida with nearly 30,000 weekly attendees. They also reach people through Christ Fellowship Everywhere and CF TV. Beyond their church, they founded Church United, uniting local churches to transform South Florida, and serve on the lead team of the Association of Related Churches (ARC) and the board of Place of Hope Children's Home. They have led humanitarian aid, emergency relief, and mission work locally and internationally. Frequently invited to speak at churches and conferences worldwide, they share Christ Fellowship’s mission of spreading Jesus' love and message. Their son Jefferson and his wife Cassie also serve in ministry at Christ Fellowship.
Schedule for Tuesday
9:30 AM Registration Opens
10:00 AM Doors Open
10:30 AM Morning Session
12:15 PM Lunch Onsite
2:00 PM Breakouts
3:00 PM Afternoon Sessions
4:15 PM Free Time (Dinner Offsite)
6:30 PM Doors Open
7:00 PM Evening Session
Schedule for Wednesday
10:00 AM Doors Open
10:30 AM Morning Session
12:15 PM Lunch Onsite
1:00 PM Breakouts
2:15 PM Afternoon Sessions
3:45 PM Free Time (Dinner Offsite)
6:00 PM Doors Open
6:30 PM Evening Session
8:30 PM After Party
Plan Your Trip
What's better than Florida in October?!
Find nearby airports, hotels, and restaurants you'll need for an enjoyable stay here in sunny South Florida!